Automate gas flaring detection to predict oil poduction using VIIRS
Used VIIRS nighttime observations to detect gas flaring and predict oil production
Identification of peatlands at risk from oil & gas extraction
Personal project experimenting with streamlit dashboards
Defensible Space Analysis
Research project to determine the effectiveness of defensible space on wildfire losses
Automate Fire Summary Statistics
Generate risk statistics for customer communications and marketing
Minerals data collection and management
Preserving natural resources while protecting hobby mineral collection on White Mountain National Forest
Retrieve post-fire Landsat 8 imagery via S3
Retrieve post-fire Landsat 8 imagery
Pre-Contact Archaeological Potential
Determine the likelihood of pre-contact archaeological deposits in need of protection
Landfill Methane Intensity Analysis
Analyze landfill emissions and get county-level statistics
Simple Weather API endpoint
Store data and analysis in database and deploy a flask app
Automate fire weather forecast
Automate fire weather forecast and email to stakeholders
Stream COGs and save processed data
Use Cloud Optimized Geotiffs to perform analysis in the cloud